*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Jews, God and History by Max I. Dimont Vintage 1962 Signet Paperback
The Merchant Bankers by Joseph Wechsberg Vintage 1966 Pocket Paperback Rothschilds Lehman Brothers
The Quiet Crisis by Stewart L. Udall Vintage 1964 Avon Discus Paperback History Natural Resources Land Conservation
The Double Helix by James D. Watson Vintage 1969 Mentor Paperback DNA Structure
Men Who Made a New Physics by Barbara Lovett Cline The Questioners Vintage 1969 Signet Science Paperback Quantum Theory Physicists Atomic Age Nobel Prize
The Merchant Bankers by Joseph Wechsberg Vintage 1966 Pocket Paperback Finance Rothschild Lehman Brothers History
The White Nile by Alan Moorehead Vintage 1962 Dell Paperback History Burton Baker Livingstone Stanley Gordon Africa Adventurers Exploration Explorers Conquerors
Doctors to the World by Murray Morgan Vintage 1962 Pyramid Ladder Paperback WHO UN World Health Organization United Nations
A Torch to the Enemy by Martin Caidin Vintage 1966 Ballantine Paperback WWII WW2 US Air Fire Raids Tokyo Japan War
Sources of Chinese Tradition Volume 1 I Introduction to Oriental Civilizations de Bary Vintage 1960 TPB Paperback Columbia University Press
Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl Vintage 1968 Pocket Paperback Eleanor Roosevelt Intro Classic History WWII
Our House Divided History of the People of the United States During Lincoln 1961