*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne & Jerry Lucas Vintage 1975 Ballantine Paperback
Grenades & Mortars by Ian Hogg Ballantine's Illustrated History #37 Vintage 1974 Paperback TPB
Condor Legion by Peter Elstob Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Violent Century Weapons Book #35 TPB Paperback 1973
The American Heart Association Cookbook Expanded Edition Recipes Healthy Vintage 1978 Ballantine Paperback
Tarzan #7 The Untamed by Edgar Rice Burroughs Vintage 1972 Ballantine Paperback
Ah One, Ah Two! Life with My Musical Family by Lawrence Welk with Bernice McGeehan Vintage 1975 Ballantine Paperback Biography
Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe Vintage 1975 Ballantine Cookbook High Protein Meatless Cooking