*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Kilrone by Louis L'Amour Vintage 1977 Bantam Western Paperback
The Shadow Riders by Louis L'Amour Vintage 1982 Bantam Western TV Tie-in Paperback Tom Selleck Sam Elliott CBS
Lost Pony Tracks by Ross Santee Vintage 1956 Bantam Western Memoir Paperback Arizona Cowboys Horse Wrangler
Tucker by Louis L'Amour Vintage 1981 Bantam Western Paperback
The Burning Hills by Louis L'Amour PB Paperback 1972 Vintage Western
Matagorda by Louis L'Amour PB Paperback 1977 Vintage Western
Yondering by Louis L'Amour PB Paperback 1980 Vintage Western
Lonigan by Louis L'Amour PB Paperback 1988 Vintage Western
Buckskin Run by Louis L'Amour PB Paperback 1999 Vintage Western
Rider of the Ruby Hills by Louis L'Amour PB Paperback 1986 Vintage Western
Riding for the Brand by Louis L'Amour PB Paperback 1993 Vintage Western
Kiowa Trail by Louis L'Amour Vintage Western Paperback 1971 American Frontier