*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Discovery of the Child by Maria Montessori Vintage 1980 Ballantine Paperback Costelloe Education
Between Parent & Teenager by Dr. Haim G. Ginott Vintage 1971 Avon Paperback Communication
Letters to Karen : On Keeping Love in Marriage by Charlie W. Shedd Vintage 1977 Festival Paperback
Parenthood Without Hassles by Dr. Kevin Leman Vintage 1979 Harvest House Paperback
The Christian Family by Larry Christenson Vintage 1970 Paperback Bethany Fellowship God Jesus
How to Really Love Your Child by Ross Campbell Vintage 1982 Signet Paperback Parenting Guide
The Effective Father by Gordon MacDonald Vintage 1986 Living Books Paperback Practical Family Christian
Giving Time a Chance The Secret of a Lasting Marriage by Ronna Romney & Beppie Harrison Vintage 1985 Bantam Paperback
Name Your Baby by Lareina Rule Vintage Bantam 1972 Baby Name Book List Paperback Horoscope Origins Roots A to Z
Having a Baby Can Be a Scream by Joan Rivers Vintage 1975 Avon Paperback Humor Pregnancy Childbirth
The Effective Father by Gordon MacDonald Vintage 1987 Living Books Paperback Christian Parent
So You're a Teenage Girl by Jill Renich Zondervan PB Paperback Vintage 1975 Teen
Teen-Age Tyranny by Grace & Fred M Hechinger Vintage 1964 Paperback Parents Kids