*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Brethren Inside the Supreme Court by Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong 1981 Vintage Avon Paperback
A Time for Truth by William E. Simon A Distinguished Conservative Speaks Out Vintage 1979 Totem Books Paperback Former Secretary of the Treasury Free Market
The Prince by Machiavelli Vintage 1952 Mentor Classic Paperback Statesmanship Power Politics
The Impeachment of Richard Nixon by Leonard Lurie Vintage 1973 Berkley Medallion Paperback Watergate
Trade Trickery ~ Tool of Monopoly! by John W. Anderson Vintage 1965 Paperback Quality Stabilization
The Quiet Crisis by Stewart L. Udall Vintage 1964 Avon Discus Paperback History Natural Resources Land Conservation
Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy Vintage 1970 Scholastic Paperback Teen Age Abridged Edition
Dynamic Freedoms Our Freedom Documents Vol 1 Declaration of Independence Federalist Rights Watts
The Americans by Alistair Cooke Fifty 50 of His Famous Talks on His Favorite Country Vintage 1980 Berkley Paperback Journalism BBC
The Boys on the Bus by Timothy Crouse Vintage 1980 Ballantine Paperback Political Journalists Nixon McGovern
The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court by Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong Vintage 1981 Avon Paperback
The Conscience of a Majority by Barry Goldwater Vintage 1971 Pocket Paperback
Reagan In Pursuit of the Presidency 1980 by Doug & Bill Wead Vintage 1980 Haven Logos Paperback
The Business End of Government by Dan Smoot Vintage 1973 Paperback
Senatorial Privilege The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up by Leo Damore Vintage 1988 Ted Kennedy Scandal Paperback
The Kennedy Wit ed by Bill Adler PB Paperback 1965 Vintage Politics Bantam
On Liberty by J S Mill PB Paperback 1984 Vintage Penguin Politics Essays
Robert's Rules of Order Vintage 1968 Pyramid Paperback Manual of Parliamentary Procedure How to Conduct Meetings Vixman
CIA The Inside Story by Andrew Tully Vintage Non-Fiction 1962 Fawcett Crest
Service Sacrifice Loyality Guarding Freedom's Flame Clark 1992 Overseas Veterans
The Politics of Escalation in Vietnam Schurmann Vintage 1966 Paperback History