*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Cutting Loose by Susan Andersen 2008 Harlequin Romance Paperback
Bending the Rules by Susan Andersen 2009 Harlequin Romance Paperback
Coming Undone by Susan Andersen 2007 Harlequin Romance Paperback
Eden by Penny Richards Vintage 1993 Calloway Corners Harlequin Romance Paperback
Spell of the Mountains by Rosalie Henaghan Vintage 1990 First Edition Harlequin Romance Paperback
Another Time, Another Love by Anne Beaumont Vintage 1990 First Edition Harlequin Romance Paperback London
Rising River by Linden Grierson Vintage 1974 Harlequin Romance Paperback Ranch
Flowering Desert Elizabeth Hoy Vintage 1971 Harlequin Romance Paperback Sahara