*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Botany Bay by Charles Nordhoff PB Paperback 1955 Vintage Adventure Permabooks
H.M.S. Ulysses by Alistair MacLean Vintage 1957 Permabook Paperback WWII at Sea
His Majesty's Highwayman by Donald Barr Chidsey Vintage 1959 Permabook Paperback
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott Vintage 1952 Pocket Cardinal Paperback Medieval England Historical Knights Robin Hood
Lost Horizon by James Hilton Vintage 1956 Pocket Paperback Shangri-La
Sir Rogue by Leslie Turner White Vintage 1954 Crown Hardcover Historical Adventure
The Devil at 4 O'Clock Catto 1959 Popular Movie Tie-in Paperback Tracy Sinatra
The Little Revolution by Paul Edmondson PB Paperback 1959 Vintage Fawcett Crest
The Ringtailed Rannyhans by Walt Coburn 1950 Popular Library Vintage Western
The Royal Way by Andre Malraux Vintage Modern Library Paperback Gilbert 1955 PB
Tom Swift and His Diving Seacopter by Victor Appleton Vintage 1956 Grosset & Dunlap Kids Jr Hardcover HC
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Vintage 1955 Whitman Hardcover Adventure Classic