*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Botany Bay by Nordhoff & Hall Vintage 1964 Pyramid Australia Convict Colony PB
Coppersmith by Robert James Griffin Vintage 1969 Pyramid Sex Suspense Mystery PB
Crosswind by Robert Henry Vintage 1968 Avon Paperback Adventure Suspense Epic PB
End of Track by F. Van Wyck Mason Vintage 1963 Pocket Paperback Utah Railroad Indians
Great Elephant by Alan Scholefield PB Paperback 1968 Vintage Pocket Adventure
Hammerhead by James Mayo Vintage 1965 Dell Movie Tie-in Paperback Spy Espionage Charles Hood Secret Agent
The Captain by Jan de Hartog PB Paperback 1966 Vintage Avon Adventure
The Disappearing Island by Geoffrey Jenkins PB Paperback 1962 Vintage Adventure
The Doomed Oasis by Hammond Innes Vintage 1963 Dell Adventure Paperback Arabia
The Land God Gave to Cain by Hammond Innes PB Paperback 1964 Vintage Adventure
The Mask of Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer Vintage 1967 Paperback Pyramid Adventure PB
The Swiss Family Robinson Specially Retold for Young Readers by Johann Wyss Hill Pollard Vintage 1961 Paperback TPB
The Trail of Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer Vintage 1966 Pyramid Paperback Thriller Orient Adventure
The White Nile by Alan Moorehead Vintage 1962 Dell Paperback History Burton Baker Livingstone Stanley Gordon Africa Adventurers Exploration Explorers Conquerors