*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Child's Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter Vintage 1965 Hardcover Humor Saxon Illustrated
A History of Rome to 565 A.D. by Arthur E.R. Boak 3rd Vintage HC Hardcover 1943
A Life for a Death by John Creasey Gordon Ashe HC Hardcover Vintage Crime 1973 Rinehart Suspense
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Vintage 1989 First Trade Edition Hardcover William Morrow
A Secret for Grandmother's Birthday by Franz Brandenberg Aliki Vintage 1975 Weekly Reader Hardcover
A Secret History of Time to Come Robie Macauley Vintage 1979 Book Club Hardcover
A Walk Through the Fire by Marcia Muller Vintage 1999 Mystery Hardcover HC Gumshoe Heroine
A Wonder Book Nathaniel Hawthorne Greek Myths Legends 1970 HC Companion Library
Acts and Resolutions of the State of Iowa 26th General Assembly 1897 Government
Adventurous Religion by Harry Emerson Fosdick 1946 Jesus vs Fundamentalism HC
Alley Kat Blues by Karen Kijewski Vintage 1995 Doubleday Mystery Hardcover HC Kat Colorado Private Detective
Analytical Mechanics for Engineers Seely Ensign 1948 HC Hardcover Vintage 3rd Third Edition
Annette and the Mystery at Moonstone Bay by Doris Schroeder Vintage 1962 Disney Whitman Hardcover
Anywhen by James Blish Vintage 1970 Hardcover Doubleday Sci Fi Stories Universe
Applied Practical Electricity Vol 3 Coyne 1946 Hardcover Direct Current Covering
Armageddon The End of the World A to Z by Jim Barbara Willis 2009 Religion
Arthur and the Golden Guinea by Jean Berwick Vintage 1963 Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Hardcover
Beginner's Book of Photography Dobbs HC Hardcover Vintage 1949 Little Technical
Benjy and the Barking Bird by Margaret Bloy Graham Vintage 1971 Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Hardcover
Better Homes and Gardens Fondue and Tabletop Cooking Vintage 1970 Recipes Hardcover Awesome Retro Pictures
Big and Little Are Not the Same by Bob Ottum Tell-A-Tale Whitman 1972 Opposites
Bill's Diary by Dwig 1945 Stanton & Lee Hardcover Illustrated Derleth Boy Life Cartoons
Bucky O'Connor A Tale of the Unfenced Border by William Raine HC Hardcover 1910 Vintage Grosset & Dunlap Novel
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Surprise by Theresa Vintage 1960 Warner Whitman Hardcover Tell-A-Tale Porky Pig Elmer Fudd Petunia