*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Deadly Communion by Owen Brookes Vintage 1984 Pinnacle Paperback Horror Thriller
Nothing Could Be Finer Than a Crisis That is Minor in the Morning by Charles Osgood Vintage 1983 Pinnacle Paperback Poems Poetry News Commentary
Shadows Of Moonsong by Jessica Stuart PB Paperback 1983 Chronicles Pinnacle
The Bay Psalm Book Murder by Will Harriss Vintage 1985 Pinnacle Mystery Book PB
The Butcher #31 Death in Yellow by Stuart Jason PB Paperback 1981 Vintage Action
The Fourth Horseman Alan Nourse PB Paperback Vintage SciFi 1985 Pinnacle Plague
Valley of the Passions by Paula Fairman Vintage 1982 Pinnacle Romance Oregon PB