*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Devil's Advocate by Morris L. West Vintage 1962 Dell Paperback Movie Tie-in Good and Evil
The Lovers by Simone Colette Vintage 1960 Popular Movie Tie-in Paperback PB
The Ninety and Nine by William Brinkley Vintage 1967 Avon Movie Tie-in Paperback LST WWII WW2
The Pawnbroker by Edward Lewis Wallant Vintage 1964 Macfadden Paperback Movie Tie-in Rod Steiger Sidney Lumet Holocaust Survivor
The Rise of Henry Morcar by Phyllis Bentley Vintage 1968 Pan Books TV Tie-in PB
The Two of Us by Claude Berri Vintage 1968 Popular Movie Tie-in Paperback WWII
The Wheeler Dealers by George Goodman 1963 Bantam Movie Tie-in James Garner PB
The Winston Affair Howard Fast 1964 Mystery Historical Courtroom Military Drama
Tiara Tahiti by Geoffrey Cotterell Vintage 1963 Popular Movie Tie-in Paperback
Twenty Plus Two by Frank Gruber Vintage Bantam 1961 Murder Mystery Noir RARE PB
Under Ten Flags by Wolfgang Frank & Rogge 1960 WWII Movie Tie-in German Atlantis
Viva Max! by James Lehrer PB Paperback 1966 Rare Vintage Popular Movie Tie-In