*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Freedom Moves West: A History of the Western Unitarian Conference 1852-1952 by Charles H. Lyttle 2006 Blackstone Paperback TPB
Hey God What Should I Do Now by Jess & Jacqueline Lair Vintage 1975 Fawcett Crest Paperback 12-Step Self-Help Spiritual
Prophet of a New Universalism by Clarence R. Skinner Vintage 1999 Paperback TPB
The Condition of Jewish Belief by Commentary Magazine Editors 1966 Paperback PB
The Existence of God John Hick Vintage 1964 Collier Paperback Philosophy Essays Arguments
The Golden Bough Study in Magic and Religion Frazer Papermac 1967 Macmillan PB
The Living Thoughts of Confucius by Alfred Doeblin PB Paperback Vintage 1959
The Religions of Man by Huston Smith Vintage 1965 Perennial Library Paperback
To Preach and Fight: Universalism in the Queen City of the West Johnson 1973 TPB
Universal Religion for the World Hemant Thakur 2005 Paperback TPB Peace Success
What the Great Religions Believe by Joseph Gaer Vintage 1963 Signet Paperback Faith Doctrines
Wrestling with God A Unitarian Universalist Guide for Skeptics & Believers 2004