*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
An Eligible Connection by Elsie Lee PB Paperback 1975 Vintage Gothic Mystery
Anthony Adverse In America by Hervey Allen PB Paperback 1949 Vintage Romance
Anthony Adverse In Italy by Hervey Allen PB Paperback 1949 Vintage Romance
He Married a Doctor Vintage Dell 3508 Faith Baldwin 1962 Paperback Woman Career
Intimates by Lynn Cartier PB Paperback 1984 Vintage Dell Fiction Romance
Jeff Benton, MD by Adeline McElfresh PB Paperback 1962 Vintage Medical Romance
Loving by Danielle Steel Vintage 1985 Dell Paperback Romance
Rx for Love by Elizabeth Stowe PB Paperback 1960 Vintage Dell Hospital Romance
The Master of Penrose by Jane Aiken Hodge Vintage 1972 Dell Gothic Historical PB
You Can't Escape by Faith Baldwin PB Paperback 1961 Dell Vintage Romance