*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Coroner Creek by Luke Short Vintage 1948 Bantam Paperback Revenge Western Apache
Earth and High Heaven by Gwethalyn Graham 1948 Bantam Vintage Paperback Romance
February Hill by Victoria Lincoln Vintage 1947 Bantam Paperback Drama Scandalous
Gale Warning by Hammond Innes 1949 Vintage Paperback Bantam #741 Adventure
The Scandals of Clochemerle by Gabriel Chevallier Vintage Paperback Bantam 141
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson Vintage 1948 Bantam 142 Long John Silver
Your Red Wagon Edward Anderson Vintage 1948 Bantam Movie Tie-in Paperback Noir