*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Shropshire Lad by A. E. Housman Vintage 1950 Bard Avon Poetry Paperback Poems Verse
Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak Vintage 1958 Signet Paperback Russian Revolution
Eight Great Comedies From Ancient Times to the Present Vintage 1958 Mentor Paperback Barnet Essays
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott Vintage 1952 Pocket Cardinal Paperback Medieval England Historical Knights Robin Hood
Little Caesar W.R. Burnett Vintage 1959 Bantam Giant Paperback Chicago Gangsters
Lost Horizon by James Hilton Vintage 1956 Pocket Paperback Shangri-La
Nabokov's Dozen 1958 PB Paperback Vintage Popular Library Short Story Collection
Peyton Place by Grace Metalious Vintage 1958 Dell Paperback Small Town USA Scandals
Stamboul Train by Graham Greene PB Paperback 1952 Pan Books Mystery Vintage
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Vintage 1957 Pocket Classic Paperback Mississippi
The Autobiography of Mark Twain Neider Vintage 1959 Perennial Classic Paperback
The Birds & Brothers Menaechmus by Aristophanes & Plautus PB 1958 Arnott Crofts
The Keys of the Kingdom by A.J. Cronin Vintage 1952 Bantam Paperback Man of God
The Late George Apley by John Marquand PB Paperback 1952 Vintage Pocket Books
The Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullers Vintage 1951 Play Drama New Directions TPB Paperback
The Narrow Corner by W Somerset Maugham Vintage 1959 Bantam Paperback Indonesia
The Prince by Machiavelli Vintage 1952 Mentor Classic Paperback Statesmanship Power Politics
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare PB Paperback 1959
The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan by James T. Farrell Vintage 1950 Signet PB