*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Burnt-Out Case by Graham Greene PB Paperback 1962 Vintage Novel
Duel in the Sun by Niven Busch Vintage 1968 Bantam Paperback Western Romance PB
God Has a Long Face by Robert Wilder Vintage PB Paperback Bantam 1966 Lusty Epic Florida
In the Wrong Rain Robert Kirsch Vintage RARE Paperback 1961 Passion Lust Desire
Love Me Little by Amanda Vail Vintage 1967 Bantam Paperback Sex Hunt Heroine PB
Native Stone by Edwin Gilbert Vintage 1966 Bantam Paperback Architect Rafferty
Plough the Sea by Robert Wilder PB Paperback Vintage Bantam 1968 Lust Island
Port Afrique by Bernard Victor Dryer Vintage 1964 Bantam Passion Intrigue PB
The Finest Stories of Sean O'Faolain Vintage Paperback 1965 Bantam Collection
The Interns by Richard Frede 1961 Bantam Paperback Doctors Hospital Operating PB
The Keys of the Kingdom A J Cronin Vintage PB Paperback Bantam 1962 RARE Faith
Wait for Tomorrow by Robert Wilder Vintage PB Paperback Bantam 1968 RARE Cover