*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Vintage 1989 First Trade Edition Hardcover William Morrow
Dark Star by Marcia Muller Vintage 1989 Joanna Stark Mystery Hardcover HC St. Martin's Press
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful Poems by Alice Walker Vintage 1984 Poetry Harcourt Brace Hardcover
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff Bond Vintage 1985 Childrens Classic Hardcover Weekly Reader Book Club
Little Peep by Jack Kent Vintage 1981 Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Hardcover
Mutation by Robin Cook Vintage 1989 SciFi Medical Thriller Putnam Hardcover HC Genetically Engineered Genius Horror Baby BCE Book Club
Self-Esteem The New Reformation by Robert H. Schuller Vintage 1982 Word Christian Self-Help Hardcover
Tales from the New Twilight Zone by J Michael Straczynski HC Hardcover 1989
The Pocket Encyclopedia of the World Vintage 1988 Hardcover Travel Maps Lists HC
The Wizard of Oz Great Illustrated Classics by L. Frank Baum Vintage 1989 Hardcover