*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Ace SciFi Double Worlds of the Imperium & Seven From the Stars Keith Laumer & Marion Zimmer Bradley Vintage 1962 Paperback
Lords of the Starship by Mark S. Geston Vintage Ace SciFi Paperback 1967 PB
Ordeal in Otherwhere by Andre Norton Vintage 1964 Ace SciFi Paperback Warlock Witches
Postmarked the Stars by Andre Norton Vintage 1969 Ace SciFi Jeff Jones Paperback
The Mightiest Machine by John W Campbell Vintage Ace SciFi Space Adventure PB
The Phoenix and the Mirror by Avram Davidson 1969 Vintage Ace SciFi Fantasy PB
The Sword of Aldones Marion Zimmer Bradley Paperback 1962 Ace Fantasy Darkover
This World is Taboo by Murray Leinster 1961 Vintage SciFi Paperback Quarantine
World Without Stars by Poul Anderson Vintage Ace 1966 SciFi Freas Paperback PB