*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Search for the King by Gore Vidal PB Paperback 1978 Ballantine First Vintage
Squadron Airborne by Elleston Trevor 1962 PB Paperback Vintage WWII History
Storming Heaven A Novel by Denise Giardina PB Paperback 1991 Vintage Ivy Books
The Master and the Maiden by Alice Ley PB Paperback 1977 Vintage Romance
The Valiant Virginians by James Warner Bellah 1953 Ballantine Civil War South PB
White Jazz by James Ellroy Vintage 1997 First Ballantine Edition Paperback TPB L.A. Quartet #4 Los Angeles Noir