*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
How Children Fail by John Holt 1970 Vintage PB Paperback Dell Education School
How Children Fail by John Holt Vintage 1970 Dell Paperback School Learning Education
How Children Fail by John Holt Vintage 1974 Dell Paperback Education School Classroom Learning
Kids, Crime and Chaos A World Report on Juvenile Delinquency by Roul Tunley 1966
Sex and Temperament In Three Primitive Societies Margaret Mead 1962 PB Paperback
The Beautiful People by Marylin Bender Celebrities Fashion Dell 1968 Society PB
The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris Vintage 1969 Dell Paperback Human Animal Anthropology Science Nature Sex
Who Should Play God? by Ted Howard & Jeremy Rifkin Vintage 1977 Dell Paperback Genetic Engineering Recombinant DNA