*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Life on Other Worlds by H Spencer Jones 1953 Mentor Vintage PB Paperback Science
Life on Other Worlds by H Spencer Jones 1960 Mentor Vintage Science Astronomy PB
On Understanding Science by James B. Conant Vintage 1955 Mentor Paperback
Relativity for the Layman by James A. Coleman Mentor 1958 Vintage Science Space
The Double Helix by James D. Watson Vintage 1969 Mentor Paperback DNA Structure
The Double Helix by James Watson PB Paperback 1969 Vintage Mentor Science
The Evolution of Life by E.C. Olson 1966 Vintage Paperback Mentor Science Nature
The Individual and the Universe by A.C.B. Lovell Vintage 1961 Mentor Astronomy
The Limitations of Science A Creative Scientist's Approach to the Unknown by J. W. N. Sullivan Vintage 1949 Mentor Paperback
The Nature of the Universe Fred Hoyle Vintage Mentor 1955 Science Space Universe