*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Woman Called Fancy by Frank Yerby Vintage 1953 Pocket Cardinal Paperback Historical Novel Georgia
Asking For Trouble by Joe Rayter PB Paperback 1956 Vintage Pocket Books Mystery
Beyond The Call of Duty by Eugene Brown PB Paperback 1958 Vintage WWII China
Have Tux Will Travel Bob Hope's Own Story 1956 Pocket Cardinal Autobiography PB
High Valley by Charmian Clift and George Johnston Vintage 1951 Pocket Paperback Black Magic Lovers Paradise
It's a Crime by Richard Ellington PB Paperback 1950 Vintage Crime Thriller Pulp
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott Vintage 1952 Pocket Cardinal Paperback Medieval England Historical Knights Robin Hood
Lost Horizon by James Hilton Vintage 1956 Pocket Paperback Shangri-La
Murder of a Nymph by Margot Neville PB Paperback 1951 Vintage Pocket Thriller
Rubens by Julius Held Vintage 1954 Pocket Library of Great Art Peter Paul Abrams
Shield for Murder by William P McGivern PB Paperback 1952 Pocket Books Crime
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Vintage 1957 Pocket Classic Paperback Mississippi
The Case of the Lame Canary Erle Stanley Gardner PB Paperback 1954 Perry Mason
The Doctors Mayo by Helen Clapesattle PB Paperback 1956 Vintage Pocket Books
The Golden Herd Curt Carroll Vintage 1952 Pocket Paperback Historical Civil War
The Gracious Lily Affair by Van Wyck Mason PB Paperback 1958 Vintage Pocket Book
The Late George Apley by John Marquand PB Paperback 1952 Vintage Pocket Books
The Man from Nazareth by Harry Fosdick PB Paperback 1953 Vintage Christianity
The Science Book of Space Travel by Harold Leland Goodwin Vintage 1956 Pocket Cardinal Paperback
The Sulu Sea Murders by F. Van Wyck Mason Vintage 1958 Pocket Mystery Paperback
The Sundowners Jon Cleary Vintage 1953 Historical Pocket Paperback Australia PB
Your Own Book of Campcraft by Catherine Hammett Pocket Paperback 1952 Camping PB