*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Raggedy Ann Helps Grandpa Hoppergrass by Johnny Gruelle 1940 McLoughlin Kids HC
The Scout Patrol Boys Exploring in Yucatan by Jack Wright 1933 Vintage Hardcover
Carmen of the Golden Coast by Madeline Brandeis Children of America 1935 Grosset
Heidi by Johanna Spyri Vintage Whitman 1955 Hardcover HC Kids Childrens Classic
Nurses Who Led the Way Real Life Stories by Adele & Cateau de Leeuw Vintage 1961 Whitman Hardcover
The Modern Story Book by Wallace Wadsworth Paul Pinson Vintage 1950 Hardcover HC
Peter Potts by Clifford B. Hicks Vintage 1971 Weekly Reader Children's Book Club
The New Day Arithmetics Durell Gillet Seventh 7th Year Book Vintage 1931 HC
Millicent's Ghost by Joan Lexau HC Hardcover 1962 Vintage Children Ben Shecter
The Treasure of Topo-el-Bampo by Scott O’Dell Vintage 1972 Weekly Reader HC Ward
Childcraft Volume 5 Our Own Country and Foreign Lands HC Hardcover Vintage 1945
The Scout Patrol Boys in the Frozen South by Jack Wright Vintage 1933 Hardcover
Mystery in Little Tokyo by Frank Bonham Vintage 1970 Weekly Book Club Hardcover
Little Folk's Fables from Aesop Vintage McLoughlin 1940 Little Color Classics HC
Big and Little Are Not the Same by Bob Ottum Tell-A-Tale Whitman 1972 Opposites
Popeye Goes on a Picnic by Newell Vintage 1978 Wonder Hardcover HC Kids Children
History Makers Martin Luther King Fight for Equality MLK Sea-to-Sea Ridley 2013
Arthur and the Golden Guinea by Jean Berwick Vintage 1963 Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Hardcover
Donna Parker at Cherrydale by Marcia Martin Vintage 1957 Whitman Hardcover HC
Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree by Robert Barry Vintage 1963 Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Hardcover
The Wizard of Oz Great Illustrated Classics by L. Frank Baum Vintage 1989 Hardcover
Donna Parker, Special Agent by Marcia Martin Vintage 1957 Whitman Hardcover HC
Little Peep by Jack Kent Vintage 1981 Weekly Reader Children's Book Club Hardcover
Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain Vintage 1955 Whitman Classics Hardcover