*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Contract Bridge for Everyone by Ely Culbertson PB Paperback 1948 Vintage Signet
UFO The Whole Story by Coral & Jim Lorenzen PB Paperback 1969 Vintage Signet
Play According to Hoyle Hoyle's Rules of Games by Morehead Mott-Smith Vintage 1963 Signet Paperback Guide Bridge Cards
Hoyle's Rules of Games by Morehead Mott-Smith Second Revised Edition Vintage 1983 Signet Paperback Card and Parlor Games Bridge Guide
Hobbies For Pleasure and Profit by Horace Coon PB Paperback 1955 Vintage Signet