*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Compass Error Sybille Bedford 1970 Vintage Ballantine Paperback Queer France
The Return of the King Lord of the Rings Three 3 by Tolkien 1978 Ballantine PB
Tarzan #7 The Untamed by Edgar Rice Burroughs Vintage 1972 Ballantine Paperback
Pickup on Noon Street by Raymond Chandler Vintage 1972 Ballantine Detective PB
Blame the Dead by Gavin Lyall PB Paperback 1974 Vintage Crime Thriller
Sherlock Holmes in New York by D R Bensen PB Paperback 1976 Vintage Sapinsley
Titles by Peter Evans PB Paperback 1979 Vintage Ballantine Novel Romance
Watchman's Stone by Rona Randall PB Paperback 1976 Vintage Gothic Romance Horror
A Search for the King by Gore Vidal PB Paperback 1978 Ballantine First Vintage
The Master and the Maiden by Alice Ley PB Paperback 1977 Vintage Romance
The Wreck of the Mary Deare by Hammond Innes PB Paperback Vintage 1978 First
North Star by Hammond Innes Vintage 1979 Ballantine Adventure Paperback Violent
The Strode Venturer by Hammond Innes Vintage 1979 Adventure Paperback Ballantine