*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Marry in Haste by Jane Aiken Hodge 1971 Vintage Fawcett Crest Historical Romance
Marry in Haste by Jane Aiken Hodge Vintage 1971 Fawcett Crest Historical Romance
Ravenscroft by Dorthy Eden 1969 Fawcett Crest Gothic Paperback Romance Suspense
The Summer of the Barshinskeys by Diane Pearson PB Paperback 1986 Vintage Fawcett
Beauty Beast by MacKinlay Kantor Vintage PB Paperback Fawcett 1969 Slave Love
Master Of Falconhurst by Kyle Onstott PB Paperback 1965 Vintage Southern Drama