*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Nude Who Never by Ted Mark Vintage 1966 Lancer Laugh Romp #3 Paperback PB
Too Young to Marry by Joan Ellis Vintage 1963 Midwood Sleaze Paperback Adult Sex
Wounds by Maureen Duffy Vintage Dell 1973 Erotica Paperback Sex Adult Desire PB
The Exquisite Thing MacIver Vintage Lancer 1973 Paperback Sexual Adventures S&M
The Tricked and the Wicked Jay Roberts Vintage 1965 Saber Adult Sleaze PB RARE
All Screwed Up by Troy Conway Vintage 1972 Adult Sleaze Coxeman Paperback Rod PB
It's What's Up Front That Counts Troy Conway Vintage 1969 Adult Sleaze Coxeman
Turn the Other Sheik by Tory Conway Vintage 1970 Paperback Adult Sleaze Coxeman
Keep it Up, Rod! Troy Conway Vintage 1973 Adult Paperback Coxeman Sleaze Warner
Renegade #9 Hell Raider by Ramsay Thorne Vintage 1981 Warner Adult Western PB
The Love Goddess by Dan Temple Vintage 1962 Beacon Paperback Sleaze TV Greed PB
The Devil in Miss Jones by David Danziger PB Paperback 1973 Vintage Erotica
Bedside Manners by Curt Allen Bee-Line Book PB Paperback 1967
Coppersmith by Robert James Griffin Vintage 1969 Pyramid Sex Suspense Mystery PB