*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Paratrooper of Mechanic Avenue by Lester Goran PB Paperback Vintage 1961
Winners And Losers by Jodie Rhodes PB Paperback 1982 Vintage Jove Novel
Narcissus in Chains by Laurell Hamilton PB 2002 Anita Blake Vampire Hunter
New Short Novels II 2 PB Paperback 1956 Vintage Mailer Phillips Rainer Stegner
Jennifer James, RN by Norman Daniels PB Paperback 1961 Vintage Medical Drama
Hammond Innes Lot 4 Medusa Solomons High Golden Soak Vintage Adventure Thriller
The Fire Fighters by Jack Pearl PB Paperback Vintage Pinnacle Books 1973 Action
The Hour of Truth by David Davidson PB Paperback 1950 Vintage Bantam Romance
Time and Chance by Alan Brennert PB Paperback 1990 Vintage Tor Fiction
So Far From Heaven by Richard Bradford PB Paperback 1974 Vintage Pocket Books
Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith PB Paperback 1970 Vintage Bantam Books Novel
Of Lena Geyer by Marcia Davenport PB Paperback 1963 Vintage Popular Library RARE
Illusions by Jessica March PB Paperback 1988 Vintage Novel Warner Books
The Ice Age by Margaret Drabble PB Paperback 1977 Vintage Popular Library Novel
Texas Dawn by Phillip Finch PB Paperback 1982 Vintage Berkley Novel Generations
North Star by Hammond Innes Vintage 1979 Ballantine Adventure Paperback Violent
The Strode Venturer by Hammond Innes Vintage 1979 Adventure Paperback Ballantine
The Strode Venturer #14 by Hammond Innes Vintage Avon 1973 Adventure Paperback
The Survivors by Hammond Innes Vintage 1952 Bantam Antarctic Paperback Adventure
McSweeney's #18 TPB Paperback 2005
Lemon by Lawrence Krauser Hardcover HC McSweeney's 2000
Captain Nemesis by F. Van Wyck Mason Vintage 1977 Paperback Pirate Adventure
The Journey Home by Zelda Popkin Vintage 1946 Paperback Fiction Pocket Book
February Hill by Victoria Lincoln Vintage 1947 Bantam Paperback Drama Scandalous