*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Clock Strikes Twelve by Patricia Wentworth Vintage 1988 Warner Books British Murder Mystery Paperback Miss Silver
How to Build a Better Vocabulary by Maxwell Nurnberg & Morris Rosenblum Vintage 1983 Warner Books Paperback
Pills That Don't Work by Sidney M. Wolfe Guide to Prescription Drugs that Lack Evidence of Effectiveness Vintage 1982 Warner Paperback
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Surprise by Theresa Vintage 1960 Warner Whitman Hardcover Tell-A-Tale Porky Pig Elmer Fudd Petunia
Black Holes The Edge of Space The End of Time by Walter Sullivan 1980 Paperback Warner
Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible Nutritionist Pharmacist Vintage 1981 Nutri Warner Paperback Health RDAs Supplements
Strictly Speaking by Edwin Newman Vintage 1975 Warner Paperback Will America Be the Death of English Humor
Putting it All Together Psychology for Lovers by Dr. Irene Kassorla Vintage 1980
The City of Joy by Dominique Lapierre Vintage 1991 Warner Movie Tie-in Paperback Patrick Swayze Calcutta India
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney Vintage 1982 Warner Books Paperback Humor Wit Essays 60 Minutes
Dunn's Conundrum by Stan Lee 1985 Vintage PB Paperback Vintage Spy Thriller
Jephte's Daughter by Naomi Ragen PB Paperback 1990 Vintage Novel Warner
Boiling MAD # 21 Gaines Feldstein Vintage Warner 1974 Humor Cartoons Paperback
At Winter's End by Robert Silverberg Vintage 1989 Warner SciFi Fantasy Paperback New Springtime #1
Family Dancing by David Leavitt PB Paperback 1985 Short Stories Collection
Family Fortunes by Sara Orwig PB Paperback 1989 Vintage Romance Warner Books
Acts of Love by Elia Kazan Vintage 1979 Warner Paperback
Official Secrets by Lindsey Mitchell Vintage 1990 Warner Paperback Sex Scandal Reporters
Paloverde by Jacqueline Briskin Vintage 1980 Warner Paperback Los Angeles Family Saga Drama
Fishbait The Memoirs of the Congressional Doorkeeper by Miller 1978 Warner Nixon
Without Feathers by Woody Allen Vintage 1976 Warner Paperback Humor Stories Play
The Other Side of the Mountain by E. G. Valens Vintage 1975 Warner Paperback Jill Kinmont Movie Tie-in
The Killings by Clark Howard PB Paperback 1974 Vintage Crime Thriller Warner
Planetary Encounters The Future of Unmanned Spaceflight by Robert Powers PB Paperback 1980 Vintage UFOs Warner