*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor 1971 Advertising Mad Men PB
Bird of Promise by Gregory Clark Totem Books Paperback 1977 Illustrated Stories
Getting Even by Woody Allen Vintage 1972 Warner Paperback Library Humor
The Encyclopedia of Howard Hughes Jokes by Leighton & Atkins 1972 RARE Acropolis
Thurber A Biography by Burton Bernstein Vintage 1975 First Quill Edition Cartoonist Humor Paperback TPB
Strictly Speaking by Edwin Newman Vintage 1975 Warner Paperback Will America Be the Death of English Humor
You Can Say That Again, Sam! by Sam Levenson Vintage 1975 Humor Pocket Paperback
In One Era & Out the Other by Sam Levenson Vintage 1974 Pocket Paperback Humor
Boiling MAD # 21 Gaines Feldstein Vintage Warner 1974 Humor Cartoons Paperback
Having a Baby Can Be a Scream by Joan Rivers Vintage 1975 Avon Paperback Humor Pregnancy Childbirth
The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank by Erma Bombeck Vintage 1977 Fawcett Crest Paperback Humor
Without Feathers by Woody Allen Vintage 1976 Warner Paperback Humor Stories Play
ANIMALogic by Ed Nofziger PB Paperback 1973 Vintage Scholastic Books Cartoons
Take a Bow, BC by Johhny Hart PB Paperback 1970 Vintage Cartoon Humor Newspaper
I'm O.K. You're Not So Hot by Dolph Sharp Paperback 1974 Price Stern Sloan Humor