*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Lives of a Cell Notes of a Biology Watcher by Lewis Thomas Vintage 1975 Bantam Paperback Science
The Double Helix by James Watson PB Paperback 1969 Vintage Mentor Science
Wonders of the Human Body by Anthony Ravielli Vintage 1964 Scholastic Paperback Kids Childrens
The Individual and the Universe by A.C.B. Lovell Vintage 1961 Mentor Astronomy
The World in 1984 Vol 2 Nigel Calder 1965 Penguin Pelican New Scientist Vintage
The Strange Story of Our Earth by A Hyatt Verrill Vintage Paperback Premier 1962
Wolf Cub Scout Book Boy Scouts of America Vintage 1969 TPB Paperback with Parents Supplement
Webelos Scout Book Boy Scouts of America TPB Paperback Vintage 1970 with Parents Supplement
The Environment A National Mission for the Seventies Fortune Vintage 1970 PB
The Panda's Thumb More Reflections in Natural History by Stephen Jay Gould Vintage 1980 Norton Paperback
The Nature of Statistics by Allen Wallis PB Paperback 1962 Vintage Science
The Size of the Universe by F.J. Hargreaves Vintage 1948 Pelican Paperback Space
Tropical Trees of Hawaii by Dorothy and Bob Hargreaves Vintage 1964
The Physics of Television Donald Fink David Lutyens Vintage Science PB RARE 1960
Projects Space by Judith Viorst 1962 PB Paperback Vintage Science Astronomy
Language in The Modern World by Simeon Potter 1966 PB Paperback Vintage Pelican
Dinosaurs Marie Bloch Vintage 1959 Tab TPB Paperback Kids Children George Mason
Astronomy ed by Samuel Rapport Helen Wright 1968 PB Paperback Vintage Science
Exploring Other Worlds Golden Book Rose Wyler 1968 PB Paperback Vintage Science
Bear Cub Scout Book Boy Scouts of America Vintage 1969 TPB Paperback
Planetary Encounters The Future of Unmanned Spaceflight by Robert Powers PB Paperback 1980 Vintage UFOs Warner
SkillFact Library Understanding the New Math by Alan Andrews TPB Vintage 1966
Analytical Mechanics for Engineers Seely Ensign 1948 HC Hardcover Vintage 3rd Third Edition
Airborne Animals How They Fly Golden Book PB Paperback 1969 Vintage Nature Color