*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Super Specials by Virgil O. Stamps Vintage 1940 Hymns Songs Paperback Baxter PB
The Pocket Aviation Quiz Book by Milton Figen Vintage 1943 Paperback Planes
The Limitations of Science A Creative Scientist's Approach to the Unknown by J. W. N. Sullivan Vintage 1949 Mentor Paperback
Contract Bridge for Everyone by Ely Culbertson PB Paperback 1948 Vintage Signet
What To Do Till The Doctor Comes by Donald Armstrong 1943 Vintage PB Paperback
In the Wake of the Mary Celeste Capt Briggs Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches 74
Good Reading A Guide to the World's Best Books PB Paperback 1949 Vintage Mentor
This is the Navy Gilbert Cant Vintage Paperback Penguin US America 1945 Stories
Modern Battle by Col Paul W Thompson Vintage 1943 Penguin Infantry WW2 WWII PB
The Story of Human Birth Alan Guttmacher Paperback Vintage Penguin Pelican 1947
The Pocket Week-End Book by Philip Van Doren Stern PB Paperback 1949 Vintage
The Pocket Entertainer by Shirley Cunningham PB Paperback 1943 Vintage Games
The Size of the Universe by F.J. Hargreaves Vintage 1948 Pelican Paperback Space
An Enemy of the People - Antisemitism by James Parkes PB Vintage Penguin 1946