*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Social Teachings of the Church Fremantle Vintage Mentor-Omega 1963 Catholic
What Does the Book of Mormon Teach? by Gordon H Fraser Vintage PB Paperback 1964
The Christian Encounters A Hungry World by Paul Simon PB Paperback 1966 Poverty
Free to Live, Free to Die by Malcolm Boyd PB Paperback 1968 Vintage Signet Book
Glad News Stamps Quartet Music Vintage 1964 Sunday School Hymns Songs Christian
The Bible and the Common Reader by Mary Ellen Chase PB Paperback Vintage 1968
God's People at Mass by Rev J Richard Quinn Vintage PB Paperback 1964 Benziger
The Christian Encounters Crime in American Society by Richard D Knudten 1969
A Dynamic Church Spirit and Structure for the Seventies Vintage 1969 Howse
The Story the Old Testament Tells by Glenn McRae Vintage 1961 Paperback Bethany
Now That I Believe by Robert Cook Vintage PB Paperback 1968 Moody Press Christ