*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Hidden Dimension by Edward T. Hall Doubleday 1969 Anchor Proxemics Space PB
The Human Organism by David Horrobin Vintage 1967 Bantam Science Body Paperback
One Two Three...Infinity Facts and Speculations of Science by George Gamow 1967
Know Your Own I.Q. IQ by H. J. Eysenck Intelligence Tests Penguin Pelican 1963
The New Genetics by Leonard Engel Vintage Paperback Avon Discus Books 1968 Genes
Wonderful World of Science Shirley Moore & Judith Viorst Vintage 1961 Bantam Paperback
The Logic of the Sciences and the Humanities by F.S.C. Northrop 1960 Meridian PB
African Genesis Animal Origins Nature of Man by Robert Ardrey Vintage 1968 Dell
The Quiet Crisis by Stewart L. Udall Vintage 1964 Avon Discus Paperback History Natural Resources Land Conservation
The Double Helix by James D. Watson Vintage 1969 Mentor Paperback DNA Structure
Men Who Made a New Physics by Barbara Lovett Cline The Questioners Vintage 1969 Signet Science Paperback Quantum Theory Physicists Atomic Age Nobel Prize
The Nature of Living Things Worth & Enders Vintage Signet Science Paperback 1964
The Evolution of Life by E.C. Olson 1966 Vintage Paperback Mentor Science Nature
The Firmament of Time by Loren Eiseley Vintage 1968 Atheneum Paperback Nature and Man
Life on Other Worlds by H Spencer Jones 1960 Mentor Vintage Science Astronomy PB
The Double Helix by James Watson PB Paperback 1969 Vintage Mentor Science
Projects Space by Judith Viorst 1962 PB Paperback Vintage Science Astronomy
Language in The Modern World by Simeon Potter 1966 PB Paperback Vintage Pelican
Wonders of the Human Body by Anthony Ravielli Vintage 1964 Scholastic Paperback Kids Childrens
The Individual and the Universe by A.C.B. Lovell Vintage 1961 Mentor Astronomy
The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris Vintage 1969 Dell Paperback Human Animal Anthropology Science Nature Sex
Astronomy ed by Samuel Rapport Helen Wright 1968 PB Paperback Vintage Science
Exploring Other Worlds Golden Book Rose Wyler 1968 PB Paperback Vintage Science
The Strange Story of Our Earth by A Hyatt Verrill Vintage Paperback Premier 1962