*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
A Child's Garden of Misinformation by Art Linkletter Vintage 1965 Hardcover Humor Saxon Illustrated
Horizon Winter 1965 Vol 7 #1 A Magazine of the Arts American Heritage Vintage Picasso Defoe
The Meaning of Your Dreams by Franklin Martini Vintage 1962 Hardcover Bell HC
Nurses Who Led the Way Real Life Stories by Adele & Cateau de Leeuw Vintage 1961 Whitman Hardcover
World in a Glass A View of Our Century From the Novels of John Dos Passos 1966
Honeymoon Diary by Jim Bishop Vintage 1964 Macfadden Paperback Marriage Wedding
Of Ships and Men A Personal Anthology Alan Villiers Vintage 1964 Arco Hardcover
The Etruscans Begin to Speak by Zacharie Mayani Vintage HC Hardcover 1962 Evans
The Light Touch Charles Preston 1965 HC Wall Street Journal Pepper Salt Humor