*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Wonders of the World by James Hathway Vintage Golden Book Quiz Me 1969 Trivia PB
Under Ten Flags by Wolfgang Frank & Rogge 1960 WWII Movie Tie-in German Atlantis
Courtroom U.S.A. USA 1 by Rupert Furneaux Penguin 1962 Lindbergh Baby Sacco Thaw
Fleshpots of Antiquity by Henry Frichet Vintage Tower Centaur 1967 Courtesans PB
The Protestant Reformation Vol 2 Henri Daniel-Rops Vintage 1963 Doubleday Image
Death in the Northeast by Josue de Castro Vintage 1969 Brazil Poverty Revolution
The Golden Bough Study in Magic and Religion Frazer Papermac 1967 Macmillan PB
The United States Political System and How it Works Vintage 1967 Mentor Coyle PB
The Olympic Games Handbook by David Chester Vintage Special 1968 Issue Greywood
American Power & the New Mandarins Noam Chomsky 1969 Historical Political Essays
The Problem of Style by J. V. Cunningham Fawcett Premier 1966 Literary Criticism
England's Heritage Vintage 1961 Batsford Bell Paperback Countryside Village Inn
1848: The Revolution of the Intellectuals by Lewis Namier Vintage 1964 Anchor PB
Jews, God and History by Max I. Dimont Vintage 1962 Signet Paperback
The Merchant Bankers by Joseph Wechsberg Vintage 1966 Pocket Paperback Rothschilds Lehman Brothers
The Quiet Crisis by Stewart L. Udall Vintage 1964 Avon Discus Paperback History Natural Resources Land Conservation
The Double Helix by James D. Watson Vintage 1969 Mentor Paperback DNA Structure
Men Who Made a New Physics by Barbara Lovett Cline The Questioners Vintage 1969 Signet Science Paperback Quantum Theory Physicists Atomic Age Nobel Prize
The Merchant Bankers by Joseph Wechsberg Vintage 1966 Pocket Paperback Finance Rothschild Lehman Brothers History
The White Nile by Alan Moorehead Vintage 1962 Dell Paperback History Burton Baker Livingstone Stanley Gordon Africa Adventurers Exploration Explorers Conquerors
Doctors to the World by Murray Morgan Vintage 1962 Pyramid Ladder Paperback WHO UN World Health Organization United Nations
The Gravediggers by Phyllis Schlafly Chester Ward PB Paperback 1964 Vintage
Russia by Harrison Salisbury PB Paperback 1965 Vintage History Politics
Communist China and Asia by A Doak Barnett PB Paperback 1960 Vintage History