*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
How to Really Love Your Child by Ross Campbell Vintage 1982 Signet Paperback Parenting Guide
The Boys on the Bus by Timothy Crouse Vintage 1980 Ballantine Paperback Political Journalists Nixon McGovern
Eastern Birds of Prey by Neal Clark Vintage 1983 Thorndike Paperback TPB Photos
The Gospel and the Poor by Wolfgang Stegemann Vintage 1984 Fortress Paperback Elliott Poverty in New Testament Bible
Oklahoma Travel Handbook by Kent Ruth Vintage 1980 TPB Paperback Lakes Parks History Museums Cultures Festivals Sight-Seeing Maps
The People's President Electoral College in History Direct Vote Peirce 1981 TPB
State of the World 1989: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Socitety Lester Brown TPB Paperback Vintage Norton First Edition
What to Do Till Jesus Comes by Knofel Staton Vintage 1982 Paperback Second Coming Christianity Bible Scripture
The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court by Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong Vintage 1981 Avon Paperback
Confessions of a Pregnant Father by Dan Greenburg Fawcett Gold Medal PB 1987
Insects: A Golden Guide to Familiar American Insects by Zim & Cottam Vintage 1987 Paperback
A Woman's Guide to Home Repair by Webb & Houseman Vintage 1980 Ventura Paperback
Reagan In Pursuit of the Presidency 1980 by Doug & Bill Wead Vintage 1980 Haven Logos Paperback
Black Holes The Edge of Space The End of Time by Walter Sullivan 1980 Paperback Warner
Cooking Without a Grain of Salt by Elma Bagg PB Paperback 1986 Vintage Cookbook
SIGNED Help! from Heloise Vintage 1982 Avon Paperback Tips Stains Shop Cook Pets
Betty-Anne's Helpful Household Hints Vol 2 by Betty-Anne Hastings Vintage 1982 Ventura Paperback Tips Time & Money Savers
The Effective Father by Gordon MacDonald Vintage 1986 Living Books Paperback Practical Family Christian
76 Ways to Get Organized for Christmas by McCullough & Cooper Vintage 1982 St. Martin's Press Paperback Family Circle Holiday
Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible Nutritionist Pharmacist Vintage 1981 Nutri Warner Paperback Health RDAs Supplements
Spices of the World Cookbook by McCormick Mary Collins Vintage 1983 Penguin Paperback Recipes
The Power of Positive Students by Dr. William Mitchell Vintage 1986 Bantam Paperback Parents Teachers POPS Program
The Hamburger Cookbook by Ethel Mayer Vintage 1981 Ventura Paperback
Putting it All Together Psychology for Lovers by Dr. Irene Kassorla Vintage 1980