*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Reverend Colonel Finch Elizabeth Nitchie Columbia University Press 1940 HC
Toward Larger Living Sermons on Personal Religion by Dana McLean Greeley 1944 HC
How Dear To My Heart by Emily Kimbrough Vintage 1944 Dodd Mead Hardcover Memoir
Adventurous Religion by Harry Emerson Fosdick 1946 Jesus vs Fundamentalism HC
Have You Met These Women by Harold Ockenga Vintage 1940 Zondervan Hardcover HC
Early Chicago As Seen by a Cartoonist by Charles Winslow Ralph Wilder 1947 Bloom
Remember Now Daily Devotional Readings for Young People by Walter Cavert 1944 HC
How Never to Be Tired by Marie Beynon Ray Vintage 1944 Personal Improvement Hardcover HC Balance Emotion Mind Energy
Get Thee Behind Me.. My Life as a Preacher's Son Hartzell Spence 1942 Hardcover
Analytical Mechanics for Engineers Seely Ensign 1948 HC Hardcover Vintage 3rd Third Edition
Beginner's Book of Photography Dobbs HC Hardcover Vintage 1949 Little Technical
A History of Rome to 565 A.D. by Arthur E.R. Boak 3rd Vintage HC Hardcover 1943
Applied Practical Electricity Vol 3 Coyne 1946 Hardcover Direct Current Covering
Roads to Zion Four Centuries of Travelers Reports Schocken Library 14 Wilhelm