*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
What Do You Say to a Child When You Meet a Flower? by David P O'Neill 1973 Joy
Come Away My Beloved by Frances J Roberts Vintage Paperback PB Spire Books 1973
And There Will Be Famines Vintage Paperback by Larry Ward 1973 Christian Hunger
The Search for the Twelve Apostles by William McBirnie Vintage 1977 Paperback
The Kennedy Explosion by E Russell Chandler Vintage PB Paperback 1972 Evangelism
TM Wants You! A Christian Response to Transcendental Meditation Haddon 1976 PB
The Jesus Myth New Insights by Andrew M. Greeley Vintage 1973 Image Paperback
Now That I Believe by Robert A Cook PB Paperback Vintage Moody Press 1977 Christ