*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
1964 Guide to Conventions & Elections CBS News Staff PB Paperback Vintage Dell
How Children Fail by John Holt 1970 Vintage PB Paperback Dell Education School
Best Cartoons of the Year by Lawrence Lariar PB Paperback 1968 Vintage Humor
The Dry and Lawless Years by Judge John Lyle PB Paperback 1961 Vintage Dell
Sex and Temperament In Three Primitive Societies Margaret Mead 1962 PB Paperback
Uncoupling The Art of Coming Apart A Guide to Sane Divorce by Sheresky 1973 PB
The Superlawyers Small Powerful World of Great Washington Law Firms Goulden 1973