*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful Poems by Alice Walker Vintage 1984 Poetry Harcourt Brace Hardcover
Poems A Golden Book Louis Untermeyer Anglund Vintage 1968 Hardcover Poetry HC PB
Tender Moments Ben Whitley Vintage Hallmark 1970 Hardcover Poems Quotes Beauty
Last Poems Translations from The Book of Indian Love by Laurence Hope 1921 Vintage Classic Poetry Leatherbound John Lane
Golden Gleams of Thought from the Words of Leading Orators, Divines, Philosophers, Statesmen and Poets Linn HC Hardcover Vintage 1883
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry Thomas Percy Vol 2 Vintage HC Hardcover 1938
Humorous Verse An Anthology Chosen Knox HC Hardcover 1932 Vintage Poetry Chatto