*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Deep Summer by Gwen Bristow 1971 Vintage Pocket Paperback Plantation Historical
The Outrageous Lady by Barbara Cartland Vintage 1977 Pan Books Paperback Romance
A Quarter of the Moon by Audrey Curling Vintage 1978 Popular Regency Romance PB
Love Without Ending Lilian Chisholm Vintage 1976 Harlequin Romance Nurse Nicky
Forgotten Love by Lynna Cooper Vintage 1979 Signet Romance Amnesia Paperback PB
Head Nurse by Ruth Dorset Vintage 1970 Easy Eye Valentine Romance Paperback PB
Quietly My Captain Waits by Evelyn Eaton Vintage 1971 Pyramid Historical Romance
Harlequin Omnibus 3 by Eleanor Farnes 1976 Romance Red Cliffs Swan Housemaster