*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Courtroom U.S.A. USA 1 by Rupert Furneaux Penguin 1962 Lindbergh Baby Sacco Thaw
Fleshpots of Antiquity by Henry Frichet Vintage Tower Centaur 1967 Courtesans PB
Death in the Northeast by Josue de Castro Vintage 1969 Brazil Poverty Revolution
Courts on Trial by Jerome Frank Myth & Reality in American Justice Atheneum 1963
How to Buy Stocks by Louis Engel Vintage Bantam 1962 Paperback Third 3rd Revised
Born Female by Caroline Bird Vintage Paperback 1969 Pocket Women Home Business
The Beautiful People by Marylin Bender Celebrities Fashion Dell 1968 Society PB
The Merchant Bankers by Joseph Wechsberg Vintage 1966 Pocket Paperback Rothschilds Lehman Brothers
Trade Trickery ~ Tool of Monopoly! by John W. Anderson Vintage 1965 Paperback Quality Stabilization
The Logic of the Sciences and the Humanities by F.S.C. Northrop 1960 Meridian PB
The Quiet Crisis by Stewart L. Udall Vintage 1964 Avon Discus Paperback History Natural Resources Land Conservation
Everyday Etiquette by Amy Vanderbilt Vintage 1967 Bantam Paperback Manners Kids
The Merchant Bankers by Joseph Wechsberg Vintage 1966 Pocket Paperback Finance Rothschild Lehman Brothers History
The Consumer, Society and the Law by Borrie & Diamond Vintage 1964 Pelican PB
Russia by Harrison Salisbury PB Paperback 1965 Vintage History Politics
Habitat, Economy and Society by C Daryll Forde PB Paperback 1963 Vintage Dutton
Communist China and Asia by A Doak Barnett PB Paperback 1960 Vintage History
The Liberal Hour by John Kenneth Galbraith PB Paperback 1960 Vintage Economics
Language in The Modern World by Simeon Potter 1966 PB Paperback Vintage Pelican
Protest: Man Against Society ed by Gregory Armstrong PB Paperback 1969 Vintage
Teacher by Sylvia Ashton-Warner PB Paperback 1967 Vintage Education Biography
Heloise's Work & Money Savers PB Paperback 1969 Vintage Lifestyle Economics
The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris Vintage 1969 Dell Paperback Human Animal Anthropology Science Nature Sex
Make Money at Home by George Anderson Vintage 1962 Macfadden Extra Income PB