*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Shocktrauma Franklin & Doelp Fawcett Crest 1981 Cowley Shock Trauma True Stories
The Brain Revolution : The Frontiers of Mind Research by Marilyn Ferguson 1975
The Story of Engineering James Kip Finch 1960 Doubleday Anchor Paperback History
The Heart Doctors' Heart Book by Franklin et al Vintage 1976 Bantam Paperback PB
Stars, Planets, and Galaxies Knowledge Through Color Engelbrektson 1975 Bantam
Know Your Own I.Q. IQ by H. J. Eysenck Intelligence Tests Penguin Pelican 1963
The New Genetics by Leonard Engel Vintage Paperback Avon Discus Books 1968 Genes
The Immense Journey by Loren Eiseley 1957 Vintage Book Paperback Science Nature
The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin Oceanic Society Bantam 1972 Paperback
The Edge of the Sea by Rachel Carson Signet Science Shore Vintage 1955 Paperback
Relativity for the Layman by James A. Coleman Mentor 1958 Vintage Science Space
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Vintage Fawcett Crest Book 1964 Paperback Ecology
Introduction to Mathematics by CCT Baker Vintage 1974 Arco Paperback Math Arc PB
The Crust of the Earth An Introduction to Geology Rapport & Wright Vintage 1955 Signet Science Paperback
Wonderful World of Science Shirley Moore & Judith Viorst Vintage 1961 Bantam Paperback
The Silent Intruder Surviving the Radiation Age by Panati Hudson 1983 Berkley PB
The Penguin Dictionary of Geology Whitten Brooks Vintage 1981 Paperback
Ants, Indians, and Little Dinosaurs Natural History 75th Alan Ternes Vintage 1975 Scribners Paperback
The Mother Earth News Handbook of Homemade Power Vintage Bantam 1974 Paperback Alternative Energy Crisis Ecology Fuel
Who Should Play God? by Ted Howard & Jeremy Rifkin Vintage 1977 Dell Paperback Genetic Engineering Recombinant DNA
Science and Human Values by J. Bronowski Vintage 1972 Perennial Library First Edition Paperback
Theory and Problems of Vector Analysis by Murray R. Spiegel Schaum's Outline Series Vintage 1959 Paperback TPB Tensor Math
The Logic of the Sciences and the Humanities by F.S.C. Northrop 1960 Meridian PB
African Genesis Animal Origins Nature of Man by Robert Ardrey Vintage 1968 Dell