*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
Commander-1 by Peter George 1966 Dell Vintage Paperback Nuclear War Strangelove
Correct Spelling Made Easy by Norman Lewis Vintage 1987 Dell Laurel Reference Paperback Dictionary Method
Daughters by Consuelo Saah Baehr PB Paperback 1989 Vintage Dell Fiction Romance
Dead Men's Plans by Mignon G. Eberhart 1952 Vintage Murder Mystery Paperback PB
Deadlock by Ruth Fenisong PB Paperback 1952 Crime Thriller Mystery Dell Books
Deadly Honeymoon by Lawrence Block Vintage 1969 Dell Crime Paperback Revenge PB
Death for Sale by Henry Kane Vintage 1957 Dell First Edition A144 Suspense
Died on a Rainy Sunday by Joan Aiken PB Paperback 1973 Vintage Crime Thriller
Dr. Frank's No-Aging Diet Eat & Grow Younger Vintage 1978 Dell Paperback Health
Dr. Siegal's Natural Fiber Permanent Weight-Loss Diet by Sanford Siegal Vintage 1976 Dell Paperback
Falling Through Space Richard Hillary 1958 Dell RAF Battle of Britain Memoir PB
Feed Your Kids Right by Dr. Lendon Smith Vintage 1979 Dell Paperback Program for Your Child's Total Health Nutrition
Gidget in Love #6 by Frederick Kohner Vintage 1965 Dell Paperback RARE Teacher
Gift of Life by Charles Mercer Vintage 1964 Dell Paperback
Girl Meets Body by Jack Iams 1947 Dell Mapback Vintage Paperback Mystery PB
Go To the Widow-Maker by James Jones Dell PB Paperback 1968 Vintage Dell Fiction
Grave Danger by Frank Kane PB Paperback 1954 Vintage Dell Crime Thriller Murder
Great Flying Stories by Frank Anderson Vintage 1958 Dell Laurel Paperback Plane
Great Flying Stories Ed. Frank W Anderson Vintage 1958 Dell Laurel Paperback PB
Gun Down by Brian Garfield PB Paperback 1971 Vintage Dell Publishing Western
Hammerhead by James Mayo Vintage 1965 Dell Movie Tie-in Paperback Spy Espionage Charles Hood Secret Agent
Hardly a Man is Now Alive by Herbert Brean Vintage 1950 Dell Mystery Paperback
He Married a Doctor Vintage Dell 3508 Faith Baldwin 1962 Paperback Woman Career
How Children Fail by John Holt 1970 Vintage PB Paperback Dell Education School