*Vintage Used Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, & Music from the 1800s to Now* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mostly from the '40s through the '90s**
The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs by Irvine Welsh 2006 Norton Hardcover Dorian Gray
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful Poems by Alice Walker Vintage 1984 Poetry Harcourt Brace Hardcover
StarBridge Book Two Silent Dances by Crispin & O'Malley Vintage 1990 Ace SciFi Paperback
Unfamiliar Territory by Robert Silverberg Vintage 1978 Berkley SciFi Short Stories Paperback
Hidden Talents by Jayne Ann Krentz Vintage 1993 Pocket Paperback Romance
The Space Egg by Russ Winterbotham Vintage 1962 SciFi Monarch Paperback
Stonecutter's Story The Third Book of Lost Swords by Fred Saberhagen Vintage 1989 Tor Fantasy Paperback
High Valley by Charmian Clift and George Johnston Vintage 1951 Pocket Paperback Black Magic Lovers Paradise
The Singapore Wink by Ross Thomas Vintage 1970 Avon Paperback Mafia FBI Suspense Murder Blackmail
Skylark of Valeron by Edward E. Doc Smith Vintage 1963 SciFi Pyramid Paperback Space Adventure Spaceship
The Pawns of Null-A by A. E. Van Vogt Vintage 1956 Ace SciFi Paperback
The Clock Strikes Twelve by Patricia Wentworth Vintage 1988 Warner Books British Murder Mystery Paperback Miss Silver
Ordeal in Otherwhere by Andre Norton Vintage 1964 Ace SciFi Paperback Warlock Witches
Mirkheim by Poul Anderson Vintage 1983 Berkley SciFi Paperback Polesotechnic League
Fear of Flying by Erica Jong Vintage 1973 Signet Paperback Erotic
Button Shoes Esther Pence Garber Vintage 1975 Brethren Press 1900s Shenandoah PB
Tuxedo Park by Laura Furman Vintage 1987 Fawcett Crest Paperback
The President's Women by June Flaum Singer Vintage 1989 Ballantine Ivy Books Paperback
Superior Women by Alice Adams Vintage 1985 Ballantine Fawcett Crest Paperback
O Master Caliban! by Phyllis Gotlieb Vintage 1979 Bantam SciFi Paperback Mutants Machines Erg Wars
4 for the Future by Groff Conklin Vintage 1959 Pyramid SciFi Short Stories Paperback Sturgeon
Modern American Scenes for Student Actors by Wynn Handman Vintage 1980 Bantam Paperback Monologues Drama Plays
Getting Even by Woody Allen Vintage 1972 Warner Paperback Library Humor
Voice of the Planet by Michael Tobias Vintage 1990 Bantam Spectra TV TBS Tie-in Paperback